James Guyon, Jr.

James Guyon Jr. ( born December 24, 1778 in Richmond, New York, † March 9, 1846 ) was an American soldier and politician. Between 1820 and 1821 he represented the State of New York in the U.S. House of Representatives.


James Guyon junior was born during the Revolutionary War in Richmond and grew up there. He attended the local schools. He then worked as a farmer. In addition, possessed and he ran a dry goods store and a tavern. Guyon also served in the militia of New York. In 1807 he was appointed captain in the second squadron of the First Cavalry Division. A promotion to major was in 1814 and another in 1819 to the Colonel in command of the First Regiment of Mounted Artillery. In addition, he pursued a political career. He was 1812 and 1813 in the New York State Assembly. During this time he joined, founded by Thomas Jefferson Democratic- Republican Party. In the congressional elections of 1818 Ebenezer Sage was again in the first electoral district of New York in the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington DC re-elected, where he became the successor of George Townsend on March 4, 1819. However, Guyon was his election challenge successfully on the basis of incorrect application on 14 January 1820. Since he resigned in 1820 on his candidacy, he retired after the March 3, 1821 out of the Congress. He then worked as a farmer again and dedicated to his business. He died on 9 March 1846 in Richmond and was then buried in the St. Andrew 's Church cemetery.


His parents were Susannah and James Guyon (* 1746 ). He was married three times, first with Ann Bedell, then with Ann Perine and most recently with Martha Seguine. From the first marriage of a daughter emerged. The following marriages were childless.
