
Jarek (Cyrillic Јарак ) is a belonging to the village in Srem Sremska Mitrovica Opština, in the northern Serbian province of Vojvodina. The village has 2235 inhabitants.


The village is named Jarek, which means to German trench in Serbian. Also in Croatian means the village Jarek. And in Hungarian is next to the name Jarek, even your own name Árki in use.


The village lies on a plane 78 m above sea level in Srem ( Syrmia ), one of the three main regions of Vojvodina. Jarek is located at the mouth of Jarčina in the Sava, to Derren banks to Jarek is also. The Jarčina is a tributary of the Sava. The village lies on the main road from Novi Sad to Loznica. Jarek is located southeast of the capital town Sremska Mitrovica.


Jarek had in Volkszäglung of 2002 2242 inhabitants, of which 2,099 or 94 % designated as Serbs. But also live in the village: 32 Roma, 23 Yugoslavs, 17 Croats, Magyars 7, 5 Ukrainians, three German, two Slovaks, Macedonians and 2 each have a Slovene and Romanian. An Unknown ethnicity reported 11 people. The village consists of 713 households.


The majority of the villagers committed to the Serbian Orthodox Church. In Jarek the Serbian Orthodox Church of the Holy Great Martyr George is from 1779. The church is of great cultural significance for the region.

About 30 people in the population are Roman or Greek Catholic, without their own house of worship.


In Jarek are the primary school Jovan Jovanović Zmaj with 310 students. And the Serbian Orthodox Church of the Holy Great Martyr George.

Jarek - Sabac Marathon

In Jarek each year, the international swimming marathon Jarek - Sabac takes place. The marathon commemorates an event from the Second World War. At that time, brought the Wehrmacht captured civilian citizens of the town of Sabac in a concentration camp, that at that time was in Jarek. Many civilians died in this way. Those who reached the target, were supplied by the inhabitants Jaraks with bread and water.


