Jardines de Pando

Jardines de Pando on the map of Uruguay

Jardines de Pando is a village in Uruguay.


Jardines de Pando is located on the territory of the department of Canelones in the sector 27 The location is north of Pando, San Bernardo and Estanque de Pando. Other cities in the area are Totoral del Sauce in the northwest, Empalme Olmos in the East or Cruz de los Caminos in the north. In addition, flows near Jardines de Pando east of Arroyo del Sauce in the Arroyo Pando.


The population of Jardines de Pando is 756 (as of 2011 ).

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay



On the western edge of the village the Ruta 75 leads along.


Jardines de Pando has with the Escuela No. 213 also has a school. The construction of a new school building complex in the center of the village is in the planning and execution phase.
