Jean-Marie Speich

Jean -Marie Speich ( born June 15, 1955 in Strasbourg, France) is a Roman Catholic archbishop and diplomat of the Holy See.


Jean -Marie Speich received on 9 October 1982, the sacrament of Holy Orders for the Archdiocese of Strasbourg. In 1986 he entered the diplomatic service of the Holy See. He worked in the Nunciature in Germany, Haiti, Bolivia, Canada, Great Britain, Egypt, Spain and Cuba. Since 2008, he headed the French language section of the Secretariat of State.

On August 17, 2013, Pope Francis appointed Titular Archbishop of sulci and Apostolic Nuncio in Ghana. The pope personally gave him and Giampiero Gloder on 24 October of the same year, the episcopal ordination. It was the first of Francis after his election as Pope donated episcopal ordination. Co-consecrators were the archbishop of Strasbourg, Jean -Pierre Grallet, and the Bishop of Padua, Antonio Mattiazzo.
