Jeanne Coyne

Jeanne Coyne ( born February 28, 1923 in Pennsylvania, USA, † May 10, 1973 in Los Angeles ( California), USA) was an American Broadway dancer, choreographer and actress.


Coyne, who received her first dancing lessons from Gene Kelly in his dance studio in the 1930s, worked with Carol Haney for several years for Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen as choreography assistant in films such as Today ' let's go strolling ( On the Town ), Singin' in the Rain and invitation to dance. She also starred in Singin 'in the Rain and Summer floor in front of the camera on the side of Kelly.

Coyne was married from 1948 to 1951 with Donen and Kelly from 1960 to 1973, with whom she had two children, Bridget Kelly and Tim Kelly.

She died on May 10, 1973, to leukemia.
