Joanna Wajs

Joanna Wajs ( born May 20, 1979 in Warsaw) is a Polish writer, literary critic and literary translator.


Joanna Wajs studied Polish and Italian Philology at the University of Warsaw. Her prose texts and seals have been published in literary magazines in Poland. Some poems by Wajs have been translated into Italian, Slovenian and Hebrew.

In 2004, she published the poetry collection Sprzedawcy kieszonkowych lusterek (Pocket Mirrors seller), in Kraków Publisher Zielona Sowa. He was awarded the Casimire Iłłakowiczówna Prize, which is awarded annually for debut poetry books by Polish authors.

Wajs has also worked as a translator from Italian into Polish. Translated works by Oriana Fallaci, Dino Buzzati, Gian Antonio Stella and Valerio Evangelisti. She also works with the daily Gazeta Wyborcza as an editor of a section with poetic publications together.
