John of Ragusa

John of Ragusa, Croat. Ivan Stojkovic (c. 1395/96 in the Republic of Dubrovnik, today Dubrovnik, Croatia; † August 28, 1443 in Lausanne, Switzerland ) was a Croatian Dominicans, representatives Paris University at the Council of Pavia -Siena, participants and Secretary General of the Council of Basel, legate at the Council of Basel in Constantinople Opel and Cardinal S. Sistine.


John of Ragusa ( Stojkovic ) was 1395/96 in the middle-class family in the Republic of Dubrovnik. He entered the Dominican order and studied theology in the Dominican monastery of Zadar, in Padua and Paris. In Padua he finished his studies with the receipt of the baccalaureate. Prior to 1417 continued his studies in Paris, he took part in some time at the Council of Constance. There he was appointed by Emperor Sigismund to the imperial chaplain and made during council time acquaintance with John Gerson. Arriving in Paris in 1422 sent him to the University of Paris Pope Martin V. to the Frequens for the Council of Constance to advocate. Pope Martin V commissioned John of Ragusa to deliver the opening sermon at the Council of Pavia on April 23, 1423.

At the Council of Siena he held in October 1423, a detailed sermon in church reform and the solution of Hussitenfrage was demanded. On March 7, 1424, he attended the short term, the Republic of Dubrovnik, and then worked as a lecturer in theology at the University of Bologna. As a prosecutor in the Dominican Order (1429 - 1431) and co-workers in the Roman Curia, John of Ragusa sat for the convocation of the Council to Basel one. He was companion of the papal legate and Cardinal Julian Cesarini at the opening of the council in Basel. John of Ragusa took in 1431 at the peace negotiations with Bohemia in Eger part. On July 23, 1431 John of Ragusa opened the Council of Basel. After the defeat of the Catholic Church against the Utraquists to Ragusa sat for a peaceful solution. Ragusa took the view that the pope was subordinate to the Council in all, in 1434 he represented this opinion at the Diet of Frankfurt am Main.

During the negotiations of the Council of Basle, on the Union with the Eastern Churches, Ragusa was of the opinion that this should be received exclusively with the Council of the Union and not with the Bishop of Rome. As legate Council of Basel he was sent on May 14, 1435 by Konstantin Opel to the representatives of the Eastern Church to unity move. During the negotiations, the representatives of the Greek Orthodox Church in 1437 decided to, from Basel to Ferrara, laid Council to travel to meet with the Pope. On January 19, 1438 John of Ragusa returned from Constantinople Opel to Basel back to the council. Again, he defended the independence and legitimacy of the council against the pope, this time before King Albert II in Vienna. This he sat in the Reichstag in Nuremberg in October 1438 and continued in Mainz in April 1439. For Ragusa the superiority of the council over the pope stood firmly inevitable.

Through his tireless service to the Council of Basel Ragusa was appointed by the Council on October 10, 1438 as Titular Bishop of Argos, the episcopal ordination took place on 8 February in 1439., He is mentioned in historical sources also under the name " Argensis " The episcopal ordination. On June 25, 1439 Ragusa served at the reading of the deposition bull against Pope Eugene IV at the Council of Basel. He preferred Amadeus of Savoy, who was elected last antipope Felix V. on November 5, 1439. Ragusa was his advisor. Ragusa was appointed by Felix V. Cardinal Tituli S. Sistine. Again justified Ragusa 1440 the Reichstag in Frankfurt am Main the deposition of Pope Eugene IV

On August 28, 1443 John of Ragusa died in Lausanne. Ragusa was considered a good speaker and zealous for reform in the Catholic Church. He is considered the greatest theologian of the Council of Basle. He was a great connoisseur of patristic and medieval literature. As a humanist, John possessed a large library of Ragusa, also from Constantine Opel lot of valuable Greek manuscripts. His manuscripts made ​​use of Johannes Reuchlin and Erasmus of Rotterdam.


  • Oratio de communione sub specie utraque, ed: JD Mansi, 29, 699-868.
  • Tractatus de ecclesia, Zagreb 1983.