John Willie Kofi Harlley

John Willie Kofi Harlley ( b. 1919; ? † 198 ) was a police officer and politician in Ghana.

Harlley coup on February 24, 1966 against the then President Kwame Nkrumah and was one of the eight members of the National Liberation Council (NLC ) ( 1966-1969 ) and later the three-person Presidential Commission that in September 1969 the government authority in the hands of free selected Kofi Busia Abrefa put.

Harlley was Police Commissioner in Accra and was at the time of the coup of Police ( Head of Police ). As such, he has held a key position of the conspirators in February 1966.

Between 1967 and 1968 he won as a member of the National Liberation Council and the position of Foreign Minister.
