Jorge Córdova

Jorge Córdova ( born April 23 1822 in La Paz, Bolivia, † October 23, 1861 in Matanza del Loreto, La Paz Department ) was a Bolivian army officer and the 15th President of his country from 15 August 1855 to September 9 in 1857.

Jorge Córdova was married to one of the daughters of the Bolivian president, Manuel Isidoro Belzu and was very close to his father. His military career began Córdova under General Andrés de Santa Cruz, who was from 1829 to 1839, seventh president of Bolivia. Córdova was involved in the battles of Socabaya, Yanacocha, Yungay and Ingavi taken. He was commander of the regiment " El Chorolque " whose campaigns significantly contributed to the military strengthening of the rule of his father.

In 1855, President Belzu decided to yield to the repeated protests against his rule and to retire from politics, not to inflict upon his support in the fight for the presidential succession without Córdova. Córdova was victorious against its competitors José María Linares and was sworn in on August 15, 1855 at the age of 33 years as president. Córdova continued the political line of his father, so he was quickly viewed by the general public as governor of Belzu and the protests against the head of government flared up again. These protests were in the late summer of 1857 successfully, Córdova was overthrown and fled to Peru, while José María Linares took power.

Córdova later returned to Bolivia back to support the re- return of his father to power active, then, however, died in October 1861 at the age of 39 years, as under the presidency of José María de Achá ( 1861-1864 ) the military governor of the province La Paz, Plácido Yáñez, dozens of opposition politicians in the " Matanzas de Yáñez " ( Yáñez massacre ) had assassinated.
