Joy Davidman

Helen Joy Davidman ( born April 18, 1915 in New York City; † July 13, 1960 ) was an American writer.


Joy grew up in New York to a Jewish family. Already in early childhood she was often sickly and was sometimes also a radium collar. In her youth she was a radical communist and married the writer William Lindsay Gresham. From this marriage two children were born: Douglas and David. After she had the late 40s converted to Christianity, she went with her sons to England to meet the Christian writer CS Lewis, whose writings they had significantly influenced. After her husband had betrayed her in her absence, she divorced and moved all the way to England with Douglas and David. It developed a close friendship between Davidman and Lewis, the woman was with her, which was a match for him intellectually. Davidman and Lewis were married in a civil ceremony in order to secure their stay in England. For the Church, this was a real scandal, as Joy was a divorced Jewish communist. They lived with Lewis and his brother Warren in their house, Lewis adopted the children. A little later it was found at Joy bone cancer. Through their fulminant disease Lewis discovered his love for her and found a priest who dared christian at the bedside. Joy recovered again from her cancer, but she died in 1960 45 -year-old in the house of the brothers Lewis.

The love story between CS Lewis and Gresham filmed Richard Attenborough in 1993 under the title Shadowlands.

  • Letter to a Comrade. Yale University Press, 1938.
  • Anya. The Macmillan Company, 1940.
  • War Poems of the United Nations: The Songs and Battle Cries of a World at War. Three Hundred Poems. One Hundred and Fifty Poets from Twenty Countries. Joy Davidman, editor. Dial Press, 1943.
  • Smoke on the Mountain: An Interpretation of the Ten Commandments in Terms of Today. Foreword by C. S. Lewis. Philadelphia:. The Westminster Press, 1954 ( German Ins transferred by Peter Nabholz, published as smoke on the mountain Claren, Lüdenscheid 1984 ISBN 3-922549-11- X. .. )


  • Brian Sibley: Late Love. C. S. Lewis and Joy Davidman. Well -Verlag, Giessen eg in 1997, ISBN 3-7655-3976-7 (ABC -team 3976 ).