Juan Carvajal

Juan Carvajal (c. 1399/1400 in Trujillo, Extremadura, Spain, † December 6, 1469 in Rome) was a cardinal and papal diplomat.

He came from a noble family in Extremadura and had studied law at Salamanca. Since 1438 he was auditor of the Roman Rota, since 1445 Chamber auditor.

Diplomatic missions to Venice and Florence followed 1440-1449 numerous legations in the Holy Roman Empire and Bohemia, often in collaboration with Nicholas of Cusa. 1448 he acted on behalf of Pope Nicholas V with Emperor Frederick III. the Vienna Concordat.

In 1446 he became Bishop of Plasencia and cardinal deacon of S. Angelo; In 1461 he was promoted to Cardinal Bishop of Porto.

From Pope Calixtus III. he was sent to Hungary in 1455 to preach a crusade against the Turks. Together with John of Capistrano collected an army, which the army of John Hunyadi at Belgrade reinforced. More tours in the Danube region and the Balkans followed until 1461.

In a letter dated March 12, 1455, the then Secretary of him and the Council of Emperor Frederick III. , Enea Silvio Piccolomini reported (later Pope Pius II ), from the first Bible pressure. Giovanni Andrea Bussi, Carvajal secretary of legation to Venice 1466/1467 wrote, later for Konrad Sweynheym and Arnold Pannartz numerous prefaces.
