
The River at Ormoy- la -Rivière

The Juine is a river in France, which runs in the regions Centre and Ile- de -France. It rises in the municipality of Autruy -sur- Juine, drained generally in a northeasterly direction through a densely populated area in the metropolitan area of Paris and ends after 53 kilometers across from Ballancourt -sur -Essonne as a left tributary of the Essonne. On their way the Juine affect the Loiret and Essonne and the Regional Natural Park Gâtinais français.

Places on the river

  • Autruy -sur- Juine
  • Méréville
  • Saclas
  • Etampes
  • Morigny- Champigny
  • Étréchy
  • Auvers -Saint -Georges
  • Chamarande
  • Janville -sur- Juine
  • Lardy
  • Bouray -sur- Juine
  • Itteville
  • Saint- Vrain