Jules-Géraud Saliège

Jules Geraud Cardinal Saliège ( born February 24, 1870 in Crouzy - Haut, France, † November 5, 1956 in Toulouse) was Archbishop of Toulouse.


Jules Saliège studied Catholic theology at the Seminary of St. Sulpice in Paris and received on 21 September 1895, the sacrament of Holy Orders. He then belonged until 1903 to the faculty of the minor seminary of Pleaux. From 1903 to 1925, he then worked as a lecturer at the Seminary of Saint -Flour, which he headed as rain from 1907. During World War II he served as a military chaplain service. In 1918 he received an honorary appointment as Vicar General.

1925 Pope Pius XI appointed him. Bishop of Gap. He received his episcopal consecration on January 6, 1926 Paul -Augustin Lecoeur.

Three years later Saliège Archbishop of Toulouse. Saliège had fought in the resistance against Adolf Hitler for the Jews, thinking ecumenically open. As one of the first formulated Saliège that the previous action catholique no social group should be, but should be articulated in the full range of society. Pope Pius XII. Jules took Saliège on February 18, 1946 as cardinal priest with the titular church of Santa Pudenziana in the College of Cardinals to.

Jules Saliège died 1956. He found in the cathedral of Toulouse his final resting place. Next to the cathedral, on the square named him the famous archbishop is a monument was erected, on which his famous pastoral letter from 1942 is to play.

Against the persecution of the Jews

On August 23, 1942 Saliège sent a pastoral letter to the priests of his archdiocese, which should be read the following Sunday from the pulpits. A month earlier, on 22 July 1942, the Assembly of Catholic archbishops and cardinals in the occupied zone had already sent a letter of protest to Pétain in which the deportations were described as inhumane and unacceptable. Despite strong efforts of the squad of the Vichy regime, to prevent the reading of the Saliège - letter, read aloud many priests the pastoral letter. In a distinct language Saliège described the deportation of the Jews as a brutal violation of both Christian and French values ​​: The Jews are the brothers and sisters of the Christians, like all other people as well. The pastoral letter Saliéges became a political issue when he became widespread in the language of both of Vatican Radio and the BBC world repeatedly. For the first time the regime was internationally exposed as a willing collaborator with the Germans and their persecution of the Jews.

