Julien Leclercq (poet)

Julien Leclercq ( born May 16, 1865 in Armentieres, France, † October 31, 1901 in Paris) was a French poet and art critic.


Julien Leclercq began in the late 1880s to work as a journalist. So he wrote with his friend Albert Aurier the Paris magazine Mercure de France. He was also responsible for the obituary of Vincent van Gogh. He wrote, published books and began to be interested in art. So he organized several exhibitions over the years.

On October 31, 1901 Leclercq died unexpectedly in Paris. He was married to the Finnish composer Fanny Flodin - Gustafsson.

Works (selection)

  • Strophes d' amant (1891 )
  • Dialogue platonicien sur l' antisémitisme Mores et Drumont Juges par Socrate. Mores à l'Hippodrome. (1892 )
  • Les Sept sages et la jeunesse contemporaine (1892 )
  • La physiognomy, visages et caractères, quatre - vingt- cinq portraits contemporains d'après les principes d' Eugène Ledos. (1896 )