Kalanchoe bentii

Kalanchoe bentii is a plant of the genus Kalanchoe in the family Crassulaceae ( Crassulaceae ).

  • 3.1 Literature
  • 3.2 Notes and references


Vegetative characteristics

Kalanchoe bentii a perennial shrub, the plant height of 100 to 150 cm is reached. The simple, erect, terete, leafless, smooth shoots are mattolivgrün to green. They are thick and have a diameter of 2 to 4 cm, at its base on. The sitting, plump, fleshy, spreading and recurved leaves are bald. Your dagger- shaped, somewhat cylindrical, olive leaf blade Glauce is 7 to 40 centimeters long and 0.5 to 2.5 inches wide. Your tip is pointed, the base amplexicaul. The leaf margin is entire.

Generative features

The inflorescence consists of ebensträußigen, many-flowered panicles up to 20 inches long. The upright, bare or glandular - papillose flowers stand at 5 to 18 mm long pedicles. Your cup tube 0.7 to 1 millimeter long. The lanceolate to ovate - lanceolate, acuminate sepals are 5 to 17 mm long and 1.5 to 3.5 millimeters wide. The corolla is pure white tinted to off-white and pink. The cylindrical to slightly quadrangular corolla tube is inflated towards the base and 20 to 40 millimeters long. Your outstretched and recurved, ovate, acuminate corolla lobes carry a mounted Spitzchen and have a length of 10 to 16 millimeters and are 2-6 millimeters wide. The stamens are attached near the mouth of the corolla tube. The upper stamens protrude slightly out of the flower. The anthers are oblong to ovate. The linealischen Nektarschüppchen have a length of 6 to 7 millimeters and about 0.5 millimeters wide. The sleek, narrow elongated carpel has a length of 12 to 15 millimeters. The pen is 5 to 8 millimeters long.

The elongated seeds reach a length of 1 to 1.2 millimeters.

Systematics and distribution

Kalanchoe is bentii widespread on the Arabian Peninsula and Somalia.

The first description by Joseph Dalton Hooker was published in 1901. We distinguish the following sub- types:

  • Kalanchoe bentii subsp. bentii
  • Kalanchoe bentii supsp. somalica Cufod.

