Kasparov versus the World

Kasparov versus the World ( Kasparov against the World ) is a chess game, which was held from 21 June to 22 October 1999 on the Internet portal MSN. The former world chess champion Garry Kasparov played it against Internet users who voted on their trains. The match, which Kasparov won after 62 moves, is considered the meistanalysierte single game of chess.


Kasparov led the white stones. The cooling-off period was 24 hours per train. Internet users were submitted Zugvorschläge of four young chess talents ( Étienne Bacrot, Florin Felecan, Irina Krush and Elisabeth Pähtz ), which could be discussed in an internet forum. In addition, the Grandmaster Daniel King commented on the current game. The train, voted for the most Internet users was carried out.

Game development

Kasparov opened with 1 e2 -e4 and voted against the Sicilian Defence, the Moscow Variation, ECO Code B52. In the 10th train Black played an innovation which was proposed by Irina Krush. Black sacrificed doing a quality against two farmers. The fifteen- year-old Krush developed in the wake of leader of the " World Team" and coordinated the analyzes that have been contributed, inter alia, by the Russian grandmaster Alexander Khalifman. From the 10th to the 50th train their Zugvorschläge were elected without exception. Finally it came to a complicated queen ending, in which Kasparov Although a farmer had less, but had a more advanced pawns. It was a playoff with seven stones, stood for at the time of the game no endgame database available that would have allowed a perfect game.

In the 51 train Black made ​​a mistake, instead of b7 - b5 proposed by Krush train Kb1 -a1 would have led to a draw. There were allegations against the organizer MSN, that it was possible, several times for participating in the vote to register and thus to be able to manipulate the result. In the 54th train proposed by Bacrot, but not selected train Dd1 -d5 would still have held a draw. In the 58th train, there was a further controversy when the e-mail late receipt with the suggested move of Krush and was only put to the vote had been discharged as already numerous other Zugvorschläge votes. At this time the position was already objectively lost, but the selected train facilitated Kasparov's profit guidance. In protest, a majority in the 59 train for an obvious blunder, the train was, however, taken from MSN disqualified. After 62 train of white, a majority of 51 percent of those voting for the task of the game. Previously, Kasparov had a forced win variant specified and announced " mate in 25 moves ."

Game score

Kasparov versus The World, zone.com (Internet) 1999

1 e2- e4 c7 - c5 2 Sg1 -f3 d7 - d6 3 Lf1 - b5 Bc8 - d7 4 Lb5xd7 Dd8xd7 5 c2 c4 c6 Sb8 - 6 Nb1 - c3 Ng8 - f6 7 0-0 g7 8 - g6 d2 -d4 c5xd4 9 Sf3xd4 Bf8 - g7 10 Nd4 - e2 - e6 Qd7 11 Nc3 -d5 De6xe4 12 Nd5 - c7 Ke8 - d7 13 Sc7xa8 De4xc4 14 Sa8 b6 a7xb6 15 Se2 Th8 c3 - 16 a8 a2 -a4 -e4 Nf6 17 Sc3xe4 Dc4xe4 18 Dd1 -b3 f7 - f5 - g5 De4 Lc1 19 - b4 - 20 Db3 f7 Bg7 - e5 21 h2 - h3 Ta8xa4 22 Ta1xa4 Db4xa4 23 Df7xh7 Le5xb2 24 Dh7xg6 Da4 -e4 25 Qg6 - f7 Bb2 -d4 26 DF7 -b3 f5 - f4 - f7 27 Db3 Ld4 - e5 28 h3 - h4 b6 - b5 h4 - h5 29 De4 - c4 30 DF7 - f5 Dc4 - e6 31 Df5xe6 g2 - g3 Kd7xe6 32 f4xg3 33 f2xg3 b4 b5- 34 Bg5 - f4 LE5 -d4 35 K g1 -h1 - b4 b3 g3 g4 36 Ke6 -d5 37 g4 - g5 e7 - e6 38 h5 h6 Nc6 - e7 39 d1 e6 - e5 Tf1 - 40 -e3 Lf4 KD5 - c4 41 Le3xd4 e5xd4 42 Kh1 - g2 b3- b2 43 K g2 -f3 KC4 c3 44 h6 - h7 - g6 Ne7 45 Kf3 -e4 Kc3 c2 - 46 Td1 -h1 -d3 d4 f5 47 Ke4 - b2- B1d 48 Th1xb1 Kc2xb1 49 Kf5xg6 d3- d2 50 h7 - H8D d2 D1d 51 Qh8 - b7 - b5 h7 52 Kg6 - f6 Kb1 b2 - 53 dH7 - h2 Kb2 -a1 54 Dh2 - f4 b5- b4 55th Df4xb4 Dd1 -f3 56 Kf6 g7 - d6 -d5 57 Db4 - d4 b1 Ka1 - 58 g5 g6 Df3 -e4 59 Dd4 - g1 -b2 Kb1 60th Dg1 - f2 Kb2 c1 - 61 KG7 - f6 - d5 d4 g6 - g7 62 1-0


After the game Kasparov expressed very impressed by their quality and said he had invested much effort in his analysis. The written by Kasparov and King book about the competition comprises 202 pages and thus holds a record for the most comprehensive analysis of a particular lot.

From the perspective of the organizer MSN the game was a complete success. Overall, more than 58,000 participants from more than 75 countries participating in the voting, the website had more than 3 million visitors and more than 28 million page views. Average went over 5,000 votes per a compatibility check.

The game was also regarded as an experiment, whether the cooperation of many people on the Internet can lead to a performance which exceeds the ability of each participant. Superficially, this may be determined by lot, which Kasparov won only after a long struggle, be affirmed. It should be remembered, however, that there are many Flames and unqualified contributions were in the analysis forum, so it is primarily attributable to the commitment of an individual ( Irina Krush ) that could be the world's best players oppose serious resistance. Finally went in the Kasparov precisely guided queen ending "the difference in the coordination and management of the computer support of both sides " noticeable. This factor tipped the scales in favor of the world champion eventually.
