Kebri Beyah

9.143.166666666667Koordinaten: 9 ° 6 ' N, 43 ° 10' O

Kebri Beyah (also Kebribeyah, Qebri Beyah, Gabribagia, Gabribaja; Amharic ቀብሪ በያህ ) is a place in the Jijiga Zone of the Somali Region of Ethiopia. It is the capital of the woreda Kebri Beyah and site of a refugee camp.

According to the Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia for 2005 Kebri Beyah had 13,192 inhabitants. Of 1997, 8840 inhabitants, 93.98 % Somali, 2.9% Amhara and Oromo 1.4%, 1.72 % belonged to other ethnic groups.

Since 1989 at Kebri Beyah a camp for refugees from Somalia. It initially housed mainly members of different sub- clans of the Darod, both Somali and Ethiopian Somali who had lived as refugees in Somalia and now returned. The population remained long at about 10,000. Kebri Beyah remained the only refugee camp in the Somali region opened while the rest of the camp were closed between 1997 and 2005 ( in Hartisheik, Aware, Derwonaji, Teferi Ber and Ayisha ), since a large proportion of refugees from northern Somalia ( Somaliland ) returned. The UNHCR expected in 2005 therefore, also Kebri Beyah to close soon. The influx of new refugees from the embattled southern Somalia, however, meant that the inhabitants of the camp rose to around 16000-17000. Approximately 4000 were therefore moved to Teferi Ber / Awbere 2007. Also in the southern Somali region of new camps were opened.


  • Place in Somaliland
  • Refugee camp
  • Place in Africa