Kenneth Mburu Mungara

Kenneth Mburu Mungara ( born September 7, 1973) is a Kenyan marathon runner.

His first big success was the victory at the Prague Marathon 2008 in 2:11:06 h In the same year he also won the Toronto Waterfront Marathon in 2:11:01.

In 2009, he ran the Mumbai Marathon with 2:11:51, the fastest ever time on Indian soil. When the Prague Marathon on the other hand he only came in third place despite a personal best of 2:10:29. In Toronto, in turn, he not only defended his title, but ran 2:08:32 personal best and the fastest time on Canadian soil.

In 2010 he was fifth at the Beppu - Oita Marathon and seventh in Prague. With his third consecutive victory in Toronto, he improved both his personal record as well as the Canadian All- Comers record to 2:07:58. End of the season he won the Singapore Marathon.

In 2011 he increased second in Prague his personal best to 2:07:36 and defended his title for the third time in Toronto.
