Kentish Council

- 41.383333333333146.31666666667Koordinaten: 41 ° 23 ' S, 146 ° 19' O The Kentish Municipality is a Local Government Area ( LGA) in the Australian state of Tasmania. The area is 1187 km ² and has about 5,800 inhabitants.

Kentish located in the central north of Tasmania island about 190 km north- west of the capital Hobart. The area includes 26 districts and towns: Barrington, Lower Barrington, Beulah, Lower Betilah, Cethana, Claude Road, Cowrie Park, Cradle Mountain, Erriba, West Kentish, Lake Barrington, Lorinna, Merseylea, Middlesex, Moina, Nook, Paradise, Promised country, Railton, Roland, Sheffield, Staverton, Stoodley, Sunnyside, and Wilmot Wilmot Lower. The headquarters of the Council is located in Sheffield in the north-eastern half of the LGA where about 1400 inhabitants.


The Kentish Council has nine members. The Mayor ( Mayor ), his deputy ( deputies) and Councillor seven are elected directly by the residents of the LGA. Kentish is not divided into districts.

