Kim Tae-young (general)

Kim Tae -young ( born January 13, 1949) is a general of the South Korean armed forces and was her 34th chief of staff and defense minister of South Korea 42.

In 1972, he earned a degree at a Korean military academy. 1997/98 he was commander of an artillery brigade in 1999/2000 led the 35th Infantry Division. In the following years he was further promoted and held various management tasks. 2008/9 he was chief of staff. In September 2009, he was Secretary of Defense.

In connection with the sinking of the corvette Cheonan criticism of him was loud so he offered President Lee Myung -bak in May 2010 his resignation, but he refused to. Because again after the bombardment of Yeonpyeong arose criticism, he resigned in November 2010 as Secretary of Defense.
