King's Quest VII

King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride is an adventure game and was founded in 1994 by Sierra Entertainment (formerly Sierra Online) published. It is the seventh part of the King's Quest series. The game was designed with high-resolution graphics that are reminiscent of Disney animated films. It is also the only King's Quest game with multiple main characters and the only game that divided the story into chapters.


For the opening game teaches Queen Valanice their daughter Princess Rosella about the importance of marriage. Rosella is a little rebellious and dreams of adventure rather than the search for a suitable husband. You caught a glimpse of something magical in a pond and jump into it. Valanice follows her.

While the two characters try to find each other, they discover that all the residents of Eldritch at risk. The evil sorceress Malicia has attacked or set the leaders of the other kingdoms of Eldritch and plans to destroy the country.

The name of this part is a pun on the title of the novel and the film The Princess Bride ( engl. " The Princess Bride " ) by William Goldman. In this game many film-like sequences are built, which are set to music.

Characters (selection)

  • Queen Valanice of Daventry - The mother of the princess who goes on a search for her daughter and is a main character of this game.
  • Princess Rosella - Is the second main person who must rescue with her mother Eldritch before sinking to return to their homeland can.
  • Matilda - The nanny of the Troll King Otar, the Rosella helps to regain their human form and so to leave the troll empire.
  • Edgar - Is the Prince of Eldritch, who was abused by Malicia for their machinations. She has turned him into the image of the troll king to destroy to be helping her Eldritch. It makes its appearance only in the sixth chapter.
  • Malicia - She's the evil magician who Etheria, the land above the clouds, to destroy with the help of a volcano. She has Otar and Edgar captured.
  • Lord Attis and Lady Ceres - The Lord of the Hunt and his wife, Ceres, the mistress of the forests or the goddess of spring, both must be converted back by Valanice in their human form.