
Kluschino (Russian Клушино ) is a village in the Smolensk Oblast in Russia.

In Kluschino the Battle of Kluschino took place on July 4, 1610 one of the great battles of the Russo- Polish War 1609-1618. In 1934, Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space, was born in Kluschino. A museum in the village remembers him.

Kluschino 's largest town and administrative center of the - as the 15 km south to Rajonzentrum Gagarin (formerly Gzhatsk ) - posselenije after Yuri Gagarin designated rural community Gagarinskoje selskoje. The municipality consists of a total of 19 villages with a total of 715 inhabitants (as of October 14, 2010 ).


Road in Kluschino

In the birthplace Gagarin

Bedrooms at the Museum
