Kravaře (Česká Lípa District)

Kravař ( German Graber ) is a municipality of Okres Ceska Lipa in the Liberec Region in the Central Bohemian mountains in the north of the Czech Republic. It lies in the valley of the brook Bobri creek.

Community structure

The municipality consists of the villages Kravař Janovice ( John village), Kravař ( Graber ) Rané ( morning village), Sezímky ( Zossnitz ) Veliká ( Grossendorf ) and Víska ( Dörfel ). Basic settlement units are Janovice Kravař, Rané and Sezímky.

The municipality is divided into the Katastralbezirke Janovice u Kravař, Kravaře v Čechách and Rané.
