Kysucké Nové Mesto

Kysucké Nové Mesto ( German Kischützneustadt / Oberneustadel, Hungarian Kiszucaújhely - to 1882 Kisucaújhely, Polish Nowe Miasto Kisucke ) is a city in the north-western Slovakia.

In 1244 the area was, then in 1254 also mentions the city as terra Yesenin for the first time in writing. 1325 a market is called by the name Congesberg. Kysucké Nové Mesto is divided into 4 districts:

  • Budatínska Lehota (1973 incorporated )
  • Dubie (1895 incorporated )
  • Kysucké Nové Mesto
  • Oškerda (1973 incorporated )

The suffix " Kysucké " derives from the situation in the region Kysuca.
