La Libertad (Ecuador)

- 2.2333333333333 - 80.9Koordinaten: 2 ° 14 ' S, 80 ° 54 ' W

La Libertad is a port city and oil refinery in Ecuador. The city is located in the western, newly formed in November 2007, Province of Santa Elena on the Santa Elena peninsula on the Bay of Santa Elena of the Pacific Ocean. She had the last census of 2001 77.646 inhabitants and can be estimated for 2007 to approximately 95,000 inhabitants. The city is the seat of the congruent with the city Canton La Libertad.


The Santa Elena Peninsula is climatically a continuation of the coastal desert in northern Peru, which is why the climate in La Libertad is dry ( about 100 mm of rainfall per year).

La Libertad has several beaches. The jetty Malecón is currently being renewed after model of the Malecon 2000 in Guayaquil also among the tourist point of view.

La Libertad is practically grown together with the adjacent cities of Salinas and Santa Elena.


Although the area was probably inhabited for thousands of years, such as ceramic finds in the district of La Caleta show, La Libertad has a relatively short history as a city. Small fishing villages existed at the turn of the 19th and 20th century under the name La Hueca and Propicia. Until 1918 was the present La Libertad then Agujereada, and it was still a village. The name Agujereada ( Engl. the Holey ) was obtained from the irregular topography of the area which is crossed by two watersheds.

1933, the place was now under the assumed name of La Libertad in 1918 for regular rural parish of the canton of Santa Elena. Since 1937 he was part of the newly formed Canton Salinas. 1993 La Libertad officially became a town, and chief town of a canton of the same newly created province of Guayas. In November 2007, the Ecuadorian National Congress a new Santa Elena Province straightened after lengthy negotiations and sometimes violent strikes and roadblocks from the cantons of Santa Elena, Salinas and La Libertad on the Santa Elena Peninsula in the former western part of the province of Guayas.


Importance and its current size attained La Libertad mainly by the oil production in the west of the Santa Elena Peninsula. The funding started regularly in 1925 to Santa Elena belonging, close to La Libertad lying Ancon and was subsequently extended.

The in promoting and processing lead British company Anglo - Ecuadorian Oilfields, Ltd.. , Short La Anglo, built in the 1920s and 1930s for their workers and engineers settlements Puerto Rico and Las Acacias, today form the actual focus of La Libertad. In 1927, the port was inaugurated.

1928, the construction of a refinery was started, which soon went into operation. Repeatedly modernized - - Plant of Petro Ecuador subsidiary Petroproducción operated since 1990, that is.

