Lactarius volemus

Patty ( Lactarius volemus )

The patty, patty milk, bread or even pear Milchling ( Lactarius volemus ) is a species of fungus in the family Täublingsverwandten ( Russulaceae ). Unlike the more or less sharp -tasting milk juice of most Milkcaps the meat of the compact is mild, with a slightly bitter aftertaste. The very abundant escaping injury in white milk turns brown very quickly on the fingers. Typical of the mushroom is the perceptible over a wide area " fishy " smell, which is described by area as herring, lobster or jerusalem artichokes similar.

The epithet volemus derived from a same-colored russet pear variety from: Volemum pirum.

  • 4.1 Internal systematics
  • 6.1 Literature
  • 6.2 Notes and references


Macroscopic characteristics

The approximately 5-12 centimeters wide hat of meat Lings is indented in the middle; young specimens have a rolled edge and a curved hat that does not have a hump in the middle. The color can vary up to russet yellow tones depending on the region and weather of matte, almost velvety Orangerotbraun about cinnamon. The blades are brittle rahmgelblich and indicate bruising reddish brown spots. The firm flesh stalk, which can be up to eight inches, is slightly paler than the hat.

In case of violation of the mushroom meat or fins comes out milky, mild -tasting juice. However Distinctive feature of the meat Ling is his herring -like odor.

The spore powder compact of meat is white. Chemical reaction shows the milk patty with iron sulfate discolored his flesh gray-green.

Microscopic characteristics

The spores are between 8-12 x 7-11 microns in size, the cystidia thick-walled.


Can you confuse the patty hardly: The typical odor missing other dairy Lingen, and their juice tastes mostly sharp.

Actually, only occurring in the Mediterranean and North Africa layers non-toxic nature, Runzeliggezonte Milchling ( Lactarius rugatus ), which is not regarded as edible mushroom, are relatively easily confused with the patty.

However, L. rugatus differs by standing at greater distances blades that do not stain with pressure, and by missing or very faint odor. Microscopically striking is the lack of cystidia and the dünngratig interrupted netzmaschigen spores. Reaction with ferrous sulfate leads to reddish discoloration. In Central Europe, this fungus is very rare, but seem to be spreading.

Ecology and distribution

The patty occurs singly or in groups, on July to October in deciduous and rarely in coniferous forests, but most often during the hottest days of August (Bauer rule: " after the grain harvest " ), ie when for fungal growth rather untypical weather. Supposedly, holdings in Central Europe for years declined sharply. Recent research in West Germany can not confirm this claim. The circulation area covers Europe as well as eastern North America, with the variety L. flavus var volemus found exclusively in Tennessee and Alabama.


The first description of meat Ling was in 1821 by Elias Magnus Fries in his work Systema mycologicum as Agaricus volemus. In 1838 he corrected this in the new edition epicrisis systematis mycologici volemus to the currently valid name Lactarius.

Inside systematics

For the patty seven varieties and one form have been described:


The patty is an excellent edible mushroom and one of the few whose young specimens can also be eaten raw. Therefore it is also called bread Milchling in some regions. The Rohgenuss is highly recommended not, on the one hand because of the risk of a (albeit unlikely) infection with the tapeworm, but especially highlights the roast in the pan or in the oven the aroma. In order not to lose juice milk, avoid expert to cut the mushroom before cooking: It is harvested by carefully turning it out of the ground. Larger specimens are cut only in undercooked state. Should cooking or steam to the fungus does not, because he would then slimy.

