Lake Topozero

The Toposero (Russian Топозеро, Finnish Tuoppajärvi ) is a 986 km ² lake in Rajon Louchi in the Republic of Karelia in northwest Russia.

In the lake there are 144 islands with a total area of 63 square kilometers, mainly on the southwestern shore. The lake has a tortuous course of the shore with numerous bays. The shore area of ​​the lake is shallow and rocky. The lake is located in a landscape of coniferous and mixed forests. From late November to late May, the lake is frozen.

The Toposero is connected via a channel to the river Pongoma, which flows into the White Sea. At the north-west end of the lake, the river Kowda drained (also Sofjanga, Софьянга ) the Toposero to the nearby lake Pjaosero. Since the commissioning of the hydroelectric plant of Kumsk in 1966 and the impoundment upstream from the nearby waters, Toposero belongs to the associated reservoir system.

In addition, the Toposero over a channel with the river Pongoma is connected, which flows in a southeasterly direction to the White Sea.

The following fish are, inter alia, caught in Toposero: whitefish, Coregonus, grayling and smelt. The lake is also used for canoeing. The lake is used for rafting.
