Languages of France

In France, several, some long -rooted regional languages ​​are spoken depending on the region. However, French is the only official language in the Republic. The regions in which besides the French (at least) one other language exists ( allophone regions), located mainly in the south of France, to a large extent congruent with ( which was named after its language ) Occitania, and in the peripheral regions, the edge - and border areas of the hexagon, for example in Alsace on the German and Swiss borders, projecting into the Atlantic Brittany or Corsica. In France belonging overseas departments ( DOM) and overseas territories ( TOM earlier, up to date ROM) are spoken in addition to French, other languages ​​, for example French creoles with base. The Republic of France pursues an active language policy that promotes the French language nationally and internationally ( Francophonie ), all other languages ​​- whether traditional or present come by historically recent migration into the country - mainly in the private sector, and ( limited) limited education ( s. : French Language ).

In the school teaching the English language (almost 100 percent) is taught, followed by Spanish ( 44.2 percent) and Germans ( 15.3 percent).


Indo-European languages

Romance Languages

  • Gallo - Romance group Langues d' oïl French
  • Picardy
  • Walloon
  • Norman
  • Gallo
  • Lorraine ( Lorraine )
  • Nordokzitanisch
  • Südokzitanisch Provençal
  • Languedokisch
  • Gascon
  • Catalan
  • Corsican

Germanic Languages

  • High German Alsatian dialects
  • Lorraine dialects
  • Jenischhaus
  • Low Franconian West Flemish
  • Yiddish Westjiddisch

Celtic languages

  • Breton KLT dialect group: Kerneveg (French Cornouaillais )
  • Leoneg (French Léonard )
  • Tregerieg (French Trégorrois )
  • Goueloù (French GOELO )
  • Gwenedeg (French Vannetais )

Indo-Iranian languages

  • Romani

Creole languages

  • Antillean Creole (Guadeloupe, Martinique)
  • Réunion Creole (Réunion)


  • The languages ​​of New Caledonia
  • Wallisianische language ( Wallis and Futuna )
  • Futunische language ( Wallis and Futuna )
  • Kibushi dialect of Malagasy ( Mayotte )
  • Tahitian and other Marque Forensic languages ​​( French Polynesia)

Bantu languages

  • Shimaore dialect of Swahili ( Mayotte )

Indigenous American Languages

  • Arawak languages ​​eg Wayapi (French Guiana )

Isolated Languages

  • Basque

Sign languages

  • Langue of signes française