Laura Battiferri

Laura Battiferri (* 1523 in Urbino, † November 1589 in Florence) was an Italian poet of the Cinquecento and wife of the sculptor and architect Bartolomeo Ammannati.

Originally from a distinguished family of Urbino Laura Battiferri married after the death of her first husband Vittorio Sereni the artist Bartolomeo Ammannati and came this way in the circle of Florentine scholars and artists. Among many other she used, for example, close contacts with Agnolo Bronzino and Benvenuto Cellini. Their social and artistic role in Florence in the second half of the Cinquecento is about the role that Vittoria Colonna - had taken in Rome - some decades earlier.

Your sonnets, typical examples of the poetry of mannerism, she collected the first time in 1560 in the Primo libro delle opere toscane ( an advertised second volume was never published ). At an advanced age, she sat down, however, reinforced the aims of the Counter Reformation, religious and moral issues outweigh their poetry. From 1581 she also promoted the establishment of a Jesuit church in Florence. San Giovannino degli Scolopi was only about a hundred meters from their Florentine residential house and was designed and equipped by her husband Bartolomeo. Both husband and wife are buried here together.

Laura was a member of the Accademia Intronati in Siena.


  • Il primo libro delle opere toscane, Giunti, Florence 1560th
  • I sette salmi penitenziali tradotti in lingua toscana con gli argomenti ed alcuni Sonetti spirituali, Giunti, Florence 1564th
  • Lettere a Benedetto Varchi, ed. of C. Gargiolli, Gaetano Romagnoli, Bologna, 1879.