Laurent Cantet

Laurent Cantet ( born June 15, 1961 in Melle, Deux -Sèvres ) is a French film director, screenwriter and cinematographer.

Cantet, son of a teacher couple, began his training as a filmmaker at the Paris Institut des hautes études cinématographiques ( IDHEC ). His debut as a short film director, he celebrated in 1994 with Tous à la manif, where a barman a planned student demonstration would like to join. The work was awarded the prestigious Jean Vigo Prize in the same year.

Banished with volunteer lay Cantet 1997 his first feature film. His breakthrough as a director paved the Frenchman but only his second feature film Ressources humaines (2003 ), in which lead actor Jalil Lespert as an intern working in his father's company to conduct a survey on the 35 - hour week. Only late detects the operating economics student that the work of the restructuring of the company serves. Cantet received for Ressources humaines the César for best debut.

Cantet's biggest success was The Class (2008). The fifth feature from director, a social study of a Parisian school class, won the Palme d'Or in 2008 the main prize of the 61st Cannes Film Festival. Months later, the film was selected as the official French contribution for the nomination for the Best Foreign Language Film at the Academy Awards in 2009 and nominated the same year for the European Film Awards.

