Lehel (Munich U-Bahn)

The Lehel Underground Station is a stop on the Munich subway. The Lehel Underground Station was opened on 27 October 1988. He is in the same area and has access to Thierschplatz and St. Anne's Place. The station consists of two tube platforms, connected with two cross-cuts. It is located relatively deep in the earth, because the tracks shortly after the Isar pass under, and was therefore built mining method.

Many galleries, museums, offices and administrations, as well as commercial enterprises of all kinds benefit from the location of the station. The tram 18 is important for the shuttle as well as for the traffic flow underground. Because of the museums nearby casts numerous sculptures are placed on the walls. In the crossways between the platform tunnels also include showcases for other exhibits. The walls themselves are covered with white aluminum sheets that are edged with matte silver ribbons. This results in the central band of light a very bright room.
