Lewiston–Queenston Bridge

43.152967 - 79.04444Koordinaten: 43 ° 9 ' 10.7 "N, 79 ° 2' 40 " W


Niagara River

The, also called Lewiston- Queenston Bridge, Queenston - Lewiston Bridge, is a road bridge between Canada and the United States, (New York) of the American city Lewiston, New York with the Canadian site Queenston, Ontario on the other side Niagara River connects.

The Lewiston- Queenston Bridge was built when the approximately 1.1 km downstream of Lewiston- Queenston Suspension Bridge second traffic could no longer cope. It is next to the Peace Bridge, the only bridge over the Niagara River, which is approved for heavy traffic, as the Rainbow Bridge may be used only by car. It crosses beyond the river and the Niagara Parkway on the Canadian side and the Robert Moses Parkway on the American side. There are extensive plazas are located at the two ends of the bridge for border clearance. Toll is collected only in the direction of Canada. While there is no NEXUS border clearance, but a NEXUS lane in the USA. The bridge has five lanes, but no sidewalks. The middle lane can be released as needed for one or the other direction. It is operated by the Niagara Falls Bridge Commission.

The Lewiston- Queenston Bridge is the last bridge over the Niagara River before flowing into Lake Ontario.

About a kilometer up the river there are two almost opposite power plants, the Robert Moses Niagara Hydroelectric Power Station of the New York Power Authority and the Canadian Sir Adam Beck Hydroelectric Power Stations.

Technical details

The Lewiston- Queenston Bridge, was designed by Hardesty & Hanover, the same engineering firm that had 21 years previously designed the Rainbow Bridge under its former name of Waddell & Hardesty. Although it is not a direct copy of the old bridge, but has similar dimensions and looks almost exactly. Construction began on November 2, 1960; The bridge was opened to traffic on November 1, 1962.

The Lewiston- Queenston Bridge is a clamped steel arch bridge with aufgeständerter roadway. The entire bridge structure including the bridge spans over the two roads is 488 m (1600 ft ) long. The bridge deck arch bridge is ( 1035 ft ) between the expansion joints on the outer supports 315 m long. The foundations of these supports form a large concrete block along with the cantilevered fighters. The span of the bridge arch is therefore 305 m (1000 ft) is somewhat shorter than the bridge deck. The arch consists of two steel box girders with a height of 4 m, which are stiffened by triangle organizations against each other. The upper edge of the bridge deck is 113 m above the water of the river.
