
58.85777823.964444Koordinaten: 58 ° 51 'N, 23 ° 58 ' E

Liivi ( German Parmel or Alt- Parmel ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Kullamaa ( Kullamaa vald ) in Lääne in Estonia.

Population and location

The village has 123 inhabitants (as at 31 December 2011). It lies on the River Liivi ( Liivi Jõgi ) forty kilometers from the district capital of Haapsalu.


In 1389 the manor Parmel fell through exchange to a certain Hincke Live ( Lieven ). It was considered a family estate of the noble family Parmel. Until 1694, the Court then remained in the possession of the noble family Lieven, from which the present name of the village derives Estonian. 1798 the area is mentioned as court Parmel.

During the Middle Ages probably formed a small fortress, the center of the estate. Middle of the 19th century gave rise to the single-storey wooden mansion. It has been preserved with some conversions and extensions in part. The building surrounds a large -scale, more than four -acre park with a quarter of a mile long avenue.

1910 Hofland was largely sold. The remains of the private Guts, which was owned by the aristocratic Baltic German family Ungern- Sternberg, were expropriated in 1919 in the wake of the Estonian land reform.

Historical importance was a school house of Liivi, which was housed until its closure in 2005 of the former distillery of the estate during the Second World War. Thither great book holdings of the Tartu University Library had been outsourced.

In the library of Liivi be seen since 2005 a small exhibition about the history of the place. On the first documented owner of the place occupied today a memorial stone near the river. It bears the inscription A.D.M. Hinke Live 1389th
