List of gaited horse breeds

When gaited horses are called horses that show one or addition to or instead of the gaits walk, trot and canter more of the special gaits amble, Passport, Paso, foxtrot, Walk, Marcha, rack and slow gait.

Up on the pass all these programs are a variation of the step, ie a Viertaktgangart. The goal is always a fluid motion that allows the rider a vibration-free as possible locomotion. Gaited horses can in principle be of any breed, but there are also specific to special courses selected races.

Gaited Horses races are spread all over the world.

  • In Europe, domestic breeds are the Aegidienberger and Töltende Traber ( Germany ), the Arravani (Greece ) and the Iceland horse ( Iceland ).
  • From South America the Mangalarga Marchador, the Peruvian Paso Peruano and the Colombian Paso Fino come.
  • An Asian race with gaits is for example Represents the Mongolian horse
  • From North America originate Gaited Horses breeds such as the Tennessee Walking Horse as the most frequent transition horse breed in the United States, the American Saddlebred Horse, the oldest breed in the United States, the Missouri Fox Trotter, the American Standardbred, the Spotted Saddle Horse, Rocky Mountain Horse, Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse, the Mountain Pleasure Horse, the Racking Horse, the Gaited Morgan, the North American Single - Footer, the Florida Cracker Horse, the Tiger Horse, the Foundation Gaited Appaloosa Walkaloosa and the Canadian Pacer.

Some of these races are still quite young new varieties.

Gaited Horses are genetically predisposed to their special gear. Studies on Iceland horses showed that the ability to run in the passport or gait is closely associated with the occurrence of a mutation in the gene DMRT3. The gene variant was also observed in other more popular horses such as the Tennessee Walking Horse or Paso Fino. To obtain the clock purity that makes riding so convenient, but usually consistent training is required. Gaited Horses are generally ridden as well as Three People ( horses that show only walk, trot and canter). The American Gaited horses are usually ridden Western or English a slightly different style. The European English riding style prevails, while the South Americans are usually presented in a modified Spanish Riding.


Iceland horse

Mangalarga Marchador

Paso Fino

Mongolian horse

Tennessee Walking Horse

American Saddlebred

American Standardbred

Rocky Mountain Horse

Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse
