Lotte Stein

Lotte Stein ( born January 12, 1894 in Berlin, † September 20, 1982 in Munich) was a German actress.


The niece of Hermann Vallentin and pink Valetti gave her debut in 1911 in Schaffhausen. In 1912, she received an engagement at the Schauspielhaus Frankfurt. In 1916 she came to the German theater under Max Reinhardt, where she regularly appeared in January 1919. She was seen in the twenties and at various other stages in Berlin, most recently in 1933 at the Volksbühne. In addition, she took numerous supporting roles in the film. In the Anglo-German production fell to Mary her the part of Bebe Brown.

After the seizure of power by the Nazis in 1933, the Jew who emigrated to Austria in 1934 to Prague, where she worked at the Deutsches Theater until 1937. In 1939 she arrived in the United States and was doing theater in New York. Also, in some American movies she appeared.

In 1949, Lotte Stein returned to Germany and was adopted by the Munich Chamber games. Since 1954 it belonged to the ensemble of the Schiller Theatre and the Castle Park Theatre in Berlin, where she was involved in numerous performances of classics such as Nathan the Wise and three sisters. Also in the German film of the fifties it was occupied with some supporting roles.

She was buried at the Munich North Cemetery.

