Ľudovít Štúr

Ľudovít Stur ( German also Ludwig or Louis Stur Stur ) ( born October 29, 1815 in Uhrovec at Bánovce nad Bebravou, West Slovakia, † January 12, 1856 in Modra in Bratislava ); actually Ludevít Velislav Stur, was a Slovak philologist, writer and politician. The outstanding personality of Slovak national movement in the 19th century, he codified the current Slovak literary language.


He was 1836-38 and 1840-43 teacher at the Evangelical Lyceum in Bratislava. A respected scholar, he made ​​his exemplary contribution to the elevation of the central Slovak dialect to written language and founded the current version of the Slovak literary language by introducing a new phonetic orthography. For this he received in 1843 the approval of the relevant representatives of the Slovak nation (on the occasion of the language reform of 1851 also the Catholics who at that time still an older version of the literary language of Anton Bernolák used) and thus the Slovak people was linguistically, culturally and nationally united.

In 1847 he was elected to the Hungarian parliament ( in Bratislava ), where he was particularly involved in the concerns of the Slovaks against the Hungarians. In the revolutionary year of 1848, he was an organizer and leader of the Slovak struggle for freedom, for which he was also pursued (see Slovakian uprising ).

After his brother Karol 's death, he moved to his house in Modra ( small town north of Bratislava ) to ensure there for the family of the deceased. Here he wrote his ( Redacted in German ) book The Slawenthum and the world of the future and patriotic poems, and was also a collector and editor of Slovak folk songs and fairy tales. After he had in 1855 seriously injured in a hunting accident with his gun, he died on January 12, 1856 in Modra.


The new Slovak literary language he fixed by the work Nauka Reci Slovenskej ( The Doctrine of the Slovak language; 1846 online :) and he justified by the work Nárečja Slovenskuo alebo potreba písaňja v TomTo nárečí ( The Slovak dialect or the necessity of writing in this dialect, 1846, written in 1844, online: (PDF, 311 kB) output in the modern Slovak).

He defended in several writings in German language, the rights of Slovaks against the attacks of the Magyars:

  • The complaints and grievances of the Slavs in Hungary on the illegal encroachments of the Magyars, 1843, online:
  • The Magyarism in Hungary, 2nd edition, Leipzig 1848

In 1845 he founded the newspaper Slovenské narodnie Novini (Slovak National newspaper ) with the literary supplement Orol Tatranski ( The Eagle of the Tatras), has already been written in the language of his newly codified.

From his writings are still Zpěvy i písně ( chants and songs, Bratislava 1853) and written in the Czech language work N Národních písních a pověstech plemen slovanských ( About the folk songs and tales of the Slavic tribes, Prague, 1853, online: 1932 edition in a modern Slovak ) should be mentioned.

He also left in manuscript a German written work from the years 1852-53, containing an exposition of his theory of Pan-Slavism and Russian translation of Lamanskij appeared ( the Slav and the world of the future, Mosk 1867; . Ger 1931; slow. 1993 online: 2003 edition of the modern Slovak).


  • In his honor, the city was Parkan in Štúrovo renamed in 1948, although he had no other connection with the city. In addition, an asteroid was named after him - Stur 3393.
  • In Bratislava, the former Coronation Hill Place is named after him as Námestie Ludovita Štúra. Furthermore, it is mapped to the (former) 500 - kroner bill.
  • The Academy of Sciences awarded the highest distinction the Ľudovít - Stur Gold Medal.
  • A bill of the former State Bank of Czechoslovakia with a nominal value of 50 crowns in 1987 read a portrait of the Slovak writer.
  • In Halle ( Saale), where he studied from 1838 to 1840, in 2004 a monument in the park of the University and Regional Library of Saxony -Anhalt was erected.