Luis Munive Escobar

Luis Munive Escobar ( born June 21, 1920 in Santa Ana Chiautempan, Mexico, † 25 May 2001) was Bishop of Tlaxcala.


Luis Escobar Munive received on 25 March 1944, the sacrament of Holy Orders.

On June 13, 1959, he was named by Pope John XXIII. Bishop of Tlaxcala. The Archbishop of Puebla de los Ángeles, Octaviano Márquez y Toriz, donated to him on 12 November of the same year the episcopal ordination; Co-consecrators were the Archbishop of Durango, Lucio Torre Blanca y Tapia, and the Auxiliary Bishop of Puebla de los Ángeles, Emilio Abascal y Salmerón.

On February 10, 2001, Pope John Paul II accepted the argument put forward by Luis Escobar Munive resignation for reasons of age.
