Maggot Brain (song)

Maggot Brain is a song by American funk band Funkadelic. The song appeared on the Funkadelic album of the same name from 1971.

The original recording of the song, which is more than ten minutes, was dominated by a long guitar solo by Eddie Hazel. Michael Hampton, the sequel to Eddie Hazel into the band, took his own interpretation of the solo again on in 1978. This version was used from then on all reissues of the band.


According to legend, George Clinton asked to play the first half of the song as if just died his mother during an LSD trips Eddie Hazel. The second part of the play, he should then be interpreted as if he had found out that his mother is still alive.

Although the piece with other instruments was arranged, Clinton soon realized the power of Hazel's solo and he dazzled all other instruments from throughout the piece, so that the guitar solo was the focus. The entire recording of the piece was recorded in one take.

The text of the piece is kept very short and reads as follows: "Mother Earth is pregnant for the third time, for y'all have knocked her up I have tasted the maggots in the mind of the universe - I was not offended, for I knew I had to rise above it all, or drown in my own shit. "


Interpretations of the title Maggot Brain were recorded, among others, Lili Haydn, the Volebeats, the Los Monstros of Tucson rock and Mike Watt. John Frusciante refused the title "Before the Beginning" of this piece.

  • Rock song
  • Song 1971