Man in the Moon

The moon face or the man in the moon has an apparent figure on the lunar disc, which resembles a human face.


The idea of the lunar face is generated as pareidolia by the form of some " moon seas", the large number of craters and the different reflection of sunlight of the various rock types ( lunarite, Lunabas ) at full moon. The lowlights awaken while associations with a human face. On many pictures of the moon (like the sun) is therefore presented with a face. The icons for the full moon, crescent moon and new moon bear, for example, many clocks and calendars, a face; just as the moon in heraldry. Sometimes the moon was worshiped in ancient cultures as divine beings on the basis of this human-like appearance.

Other interpretations

  • The "Rabbit in the Moon" is a China ( and generally in East Asia ) used image that is detected in the moon.
  • The Aztecs ( pre-Columbian Mesoamerican cultures and others ) saw a rabbit in the moon, as can be seen also in some Aztec name.
  • The West Africans from Gambia to see a " crocodile in the Moon". The upper and lower jaw corresponds to the rabbit ears of the Asian interpretation.
  • In Norse mythology can be seen in the moon formation and Hiuki with pail and bucket rod.
  • In South Africa, a woman is seen in the moon, carrying firewood on their backs. This is however only be seen on the southern hemisphere, because there the moon rotated by 180 ° will be displayed.
  • Ancient philosophers believed that the moon reflects the face of the earth. They kept the prevailing bright surfaces for the reflection of highly reflective oceans and the dark spots for a mirror image of the earthly countries.
  • Other scholars of antiquity, such as the writer Plutarch in his work, On the face of the moon, but also in the time of the Renaissance, such as the astronomer Johannes Kepler believed that it would be in the darker parts of the moon around moon seas.
  • Moon or full moon face is colloquially used as a jocular term for a round and plump face.
  • The familiar graphical smileys are sometimes called because of its rounded shape " moon face " emoticons like ":-)" usually are not.

The moon face in literature and music

Especially in poems and songs for children, the face plays a role. In addition, the personification of the moon but was also taken up by very many serious poets. The shape of the moon is mostly positive connotations.

  • Popular known Chanting, which is accompanied symbolically with a finger: " dot, dot, comma, dash - ready is the moon face. "
  • François Boucq, Face de Lune (German: moon face )
  • The moon face, children 's and youth literature by Gerda Marie Scheidl exists in Japanese (Marion -no- otsukisama ), Slovenian ( Luncek ), Dutch ( Het maanportret ), Finnish ( Paperikuu ), Danish ( Måneansigtet ) Language
  • Moon face, short stories by Jack London
  • Mrs. Luna, operetta by Paul Lincke, UA 1899 in Berlin
  • Goethe seals in West-Eastern Divan in the poem " echo ":

Let me not so at night, the pain, You Allerliebstes you my moon face! O du mein phosphorus, my candle, You are my sun, you are my light!

Song title called " moon face " sung by the following artists:

  • Fettes Brot - Superman and moon face from the album Top Hits outdoor, indoor taste
  • Andy knot on the album Arts of Toyco / Anime Hits
  • Detlev Jöcker - I know a little moon face from the album For sweet dreams

Other songs such as Man in the Moon of The Prince or Small torch burning by Markus and Nena interpret the idea of a man in the moon.
