Manganese(II) sulfide

  • Manganese sulfide
  • Manganese monosulfide

Green or red powder


3.99 g · cm -3 ( 20 ° C)

1610 ° C

Practically insoluble in water ( 4.7 mg · l-1 at 18 ° C )


0.55 mg · m-3 (based on Mn)

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Manganese (II) sulfide, is a chemical compound of the manganese to the sulfur, which occurs as a mineral or Alabandite Rambergit in nature. Chemically, it belongs to the class of salts, specifically the metal sulfides.


Manganese sulfide mineral comes out as well as inclusion in alloy steels before, harmoniously blends present in the crude sulfur with the manganese.

Production and representation

α - manganese (II ) sulfide may (II ) salt solution (eg, manganese (II ) chloride ) are obtained with a hot solution of ammonium sulfide by reaction of manganese.

The β - modification can be represented by the reaction of a cold solution of manganese (II ) acetate Tetryhydrat with hydrogen sulfide.

The γ -form can be obtained by the reaction of manganese ( II) hydroxide with hydrogen sulfide at 100 ° C.


Manganese (II ) sulfide comes in three to modifications. The green α - manganese (II ) sulfide having a crystal structure of the sodium chloride type (a = 522.4 pm ). The red β - manganese (II ) sulfide has a crystal structure of zinc-blende - type (a = 560 pm ). The red of γ - manganese (II ) sulfide has a crystal structure of wurtzite - type (a = 397.6 pm, c = 643.2 pm ). Since the two red modifications are metastable, they transform in the dry state at 200 ° C at a noticeable rate, faster at 300 ° C, in the stable green modification to. The red modifications differ from the α - modification by their magnetic behavior.
