Margaret Jope

Henriette Margaret Jope, born Halliday (* 1913 in Peterhead, Scotland, † 2004 probably at Oxford) was a British biochemist.

Life and work

She studied chemistry at Aberdeen University, and earned his DPhil at Somerville College, Oxford. She met her future husband Martyn Jope while working on the Dyson Perrins Laboratory, University of Oxford. After their marriage, Margaret accompanied her husband Martyn to Belfast, where he became professor of archeology at Queen's University was later.

Margaret continued her research continued in the Geology Department of the University of Belfast, where she primarily on the subject of brachiopods ( Brachiopoda ) worked, especially the shells of protein. Her other research included the crystallization of hemoglobin, and in collaboration with her husband Martyn, she examined animal bones, especially bird bones in archaeological sites, especially in Northern Ireland and Oxfordshire.

Margaret and Martin were closely linked to each other and shared all aspects of life together from the music, to joint publications on biochemical and biological studies. Both were a Fellow of the London Society for antiquarians, and together they were regular visitors at the Burlington House, both during the semester break from Queen's University and retired, they spent together at her home in Oxford.

Publications on brachiopods ( Brachiopoda ) and giant deer ( Megaloceroi )

  • HM Jope, " Composition of brachiopod shell ", " Treatise on Invertebrate Palaeontology ", ed Moore RC, Brachiopoda, vol H, University of Kansas Press?, 1965, p H156 - H164.
  • HM Jope, "The protein of brachiopod shell I: amino acid composition and implied protein taxonomy ", Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 20 ( 1967), p 593-600.
  • HM Jope, "The protein of brachiopod shell II: Shell protein from fossil articulates: amino acid composition", Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 20 ( 1967), p 601-605.
  • HM Jope, "The protein of brachiopod shell III: Comparison with structural protein of soft tissue ," Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 30 ( 1969), p 209-224.
  • HM Jope, "The protein of brachiopod shell IV: Shell protein from fossil inarticulates: amino acid composition and Disc Electrophoresis of fossil articulate shell protein", Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 30 ( 1969), p 225-232.
  • HM Jope, " Constituents of brachiopod shells ," Comprehensive Biochemistry, ed M Florkin and EH Stotz, 26C (1971 ), p 749-784.
  • HM Jope, "The protein of brachiopod shell V: N -terminal end groups", Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 45B (1973 ), p 17-24.
  • HM Jope, " Brachiopod Shell Proteins: Their functions and taxonomic significance", American Zoology, 17 (1977 ), p 133-140.
  • HM Jope, "The protein of brachiopod shell VI: C terminal end groups and sodium dodecyl sulphate - polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis: molecular constitution and structure of the protein", Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 63B (1979) p 163-173.
  • HM Jope, " Phylogenetic information derivable from Fossil Brachiopods ," Biogeochemistry of Amino Acids, ed PE Hare, Wiley, 1980, p 83-94.
  • HM Jope, "Evolution of brachiopods: The Molecular Approach", Les brachiopods, fossil et Actuels, ed PR Racheboeuf and CC Emig, Brest, 1985, p 103-111.
  • EM Jope and HM Jope: Note on collagen molecular preservation in at 11 ka old Megaceros ( Giant Deer ) antler: solubilization in a non- Aqueous medium (anhydrous formic acid ). Communication on a molecular Collagenpräservation in 11,000 -year-old Megacerosgeweihs ( giant deer ): solubilization in a non-aqueous medium ( anhydrous formic acid ), Applied Geochemistry, Volume 4, Issue 3, May- June 1989, Pages 301-302, First International Workshop on Fossil Bone doi: 10.1016/0883-2927 (89 ) 90033-4, ISSN: 08,832,927th