Margaret Joslin

Margaret Joslin ( born August 6, 1883 in Cleveland, Ohio, † October 14, 1956 in Glendale, California ) was an American actress, best known for Western comedies directed by and starring Gilbert M. Anderson.


Margaret Joslin worked since 1910 exclusively for Essanay, usually under the direction of Gilbert M. Anderson in comedies and westerns. Besides Augustus Carney ( until his departure to Universal Studios ), Victor Potel and Harry Todd, she played from 1911 to 1917 more than 70 times the character Sophie Clutts in the very successful Western comedies series Snake Ville. Three times she played Ben Turpin's wife in the Bloggie movies.

Since 1916, Joslin worked under the name of Mrs. Harry Todd for various film companies, mainly as a comedienne in slapstick films directed by Hal Roach (more than thirty films with Harold Lloyd and Armando Novello ). In the 1920s, Joslin made ​​only three films. In 1923 she pulled back completely from the film business.

Margaret Joslin was married to two of her direct colleagues: First with Augustus Carney, then with Harry Todd.
