Marisa Del Frate

Marisa Del Frate ( born March 11, 1931 in Rome, Italy) is an Italian singer and actress who was active primarily in the fifties and sixties of the 20th century.


After working several years as a model and participated in several beauty contests, she won in 1957 for her debut on the Naples Festival unexpectedly the first prize with the song Malinconia autunno ( " Autumn melancholy "). The following year, she participated in the Festival of Sanremo with two songs in part: È molto facile dirsi addio ( "It's too easy to say Goodbye " ) and Ho disegnato un cuore ("I have a heart drawn" ). However, she made it with both not in the final. In the same year she chose Erminio Macario for the Revue chiamate Arturo 777 as Soubrette, making her long career began as a showgirl. In addition, she played entertainment theater with popular actors of this period such as Charles Dapporto, Giustino Durano, or Gino Bramieri. In the movies she appeared in several film comedies. Italy gained popularity length 1961, with skits, songs, parodies and imitations on the TV show L' amico del giaguaro ( " The Friend of the Jaguar " ) on the side of Gino Bramieri, Raffaele Pisu and Corrado Mantoni. In the following years she was similarly successful with shows like Il naso finto ( " The false nose " ), chaired by Paolo Ferrari, and La trottola ( " The Circle" ) again with Corrado Mantoni. For personal reasons she withdrew from the public eye for a long time before they had a 1978 appearance on the show Macario occasion of the fifty year anniversary of Ermino Macario. In the eighties, she was seen in some revival broadcasts. Marisa Del Frate is considered la prima televenditrice ( " The first television saleswoman " ) because they presented one of the first time the new teleshopping on programs like Gran Bazar, which radiated some Northern Italian local TV station. Most recently she was a guest in 2008 the talk show of the state broadcaster RAI Ricominciare due.
