Mark Pivarunas

Mark Anthony Pivarūnas ( born October 31, 1958 in Chicago) is a bishop and Superior General of the independent from the Vatican Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen altritualistischen ( Congregation of Mary Reginae Immaculatae, CMRI ) and a leading figure of the sedevacantism in the USA.

Pivarūnas occurred in 1974 in the CMRI one. In 1984, he belonged to that fraction of the Congregation, which displaced the former Superior General, Bishop Francis Schuckardt, from office and congregation. On April 23, 1985, he was consecrate by the independent Catholic Bishop George Musey a priest. He was elected Superior General of the CMRI and consecrated on Mount Saint Michael in Spokane, Washington, by the Bishop Moises Carmona sedisvakantistischen from Mexico on 24 September 1991 as bishop in 1989.

Pivarūnas resides in Omaha, Nebraska, where he heads the Mater Dei seminar of his congregation. He has in turn been ordained two bishops, the 1993 American Daniel Dolan and 1999 the Mexican Martín Dávila Gándara.

In Germany Privarunas working with the group of Catholic faith together: He comes to the gift of Confirmation and inaugurates German new priests studying in his seminar.

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