Mattel Aquarius

The Mattel Aquarius was developed by the company Radofin from Hong Kong home computer, which was brought by the U.S. company Mattel to market in 1983. The computer contained a Zilog Z80 microprocessor, a chiclet keyboard, a memory of 4K RAM and a version of Microsoft BASIC in ROM. The computer was connected to a standard TV, and they used compact cassettes as a storage medium. There are some peripheral devices have been developed: a 40-column thermal printer, a 4-color printer / plotter and a 300 baud modem.


  • CPU: Zilog Z -80, 3.5 MHz
  • Memory: 4 KB RAM expandable to 20 KB of RAM; 8 KB ROM
  • Keyboard: 48 keys Rubber
  • Display: 40 × 24 text, 80 × 72 resolution graphics, 16 colors
  • Sound: a voice, expandable to four voices
  • Connectors: TV, cartridge, cassette recorder, printer