Messier 85

Messier 85 (also known as NGC 4382 ) is a 9.10 like bright galaxy with a surface area of 7.1 '× 5.5 ' in the constellation Coma Berenices.

The lenticular (Hubble type S0) galaxy M 85 is the northernmost galaxy of the Virgo Cluster of galaxies. The barred spiral galaxy NGC 4394 with a brightness of 11.2 like, which is found at a distance of 8 arc minutes, a real companion of M85 appears to be because both galaxies have the same redshift to a radial velocity of about 700 km / s suggests.


The galaxy Messier 85 was discovered on March 4, 1781 by the French astronomer Pierre Méchain.


  • On December 20, 1960 the supernova SN 1960R was discovered type Ia in Messier 85.