Mexicali Municipality

32- 115.2Koordinaten: 32 ° 0 ' N, 115 ° 12' W

Mexicali is a municipality in the Mexican state of Baja California. The municipality has 856,000 inhabitants. It is bordered on the south by the municipality of Ensenada, on the west by the Tecate, to the north by the state of California and the west by the U.S. state of Arizona and the Mexican state of Sonora.

Administrative seat and largest town in the municipality of the same name Mexicali. The next largest cities are the municipios of Santa Isabel, Ciudad Guadalupe Victoria, San Felipe and Puebla.

Mayor is Francisco Pérez Tejada Padilla from the PRI.

Administrative divisions

The municipality of Mexicali is next to the city proper Mexicali ( cabecera municipal seat of the Municipality ) in 14 delegaciones ( delegación singular, districts) divided:

The former delegación Compuertas located in the northeast of the city of Mexicali.

To the municipality of San Felipe include all the islands of the State of Baja California in the Gulf of California, from north to south: Gore, Pelícano and Montague ( 132.781 km ² ) ( Wadden islands at the mouth of the Colorado River), Encantada ( 0.443 km ² ), San Luis ( 6,051 km ²), Ángel de la Guarda ( 931.428 km ²), Coronado ( 8.385 km ²), Pond, Partida, as well as the archipelago of San Lorenzo with pink, Salsipuedes ( 1.029 km ²) and San Lorenzo ( 32.058 km ²).
