Michel Martelly

Michel Joseph Martelly ( born February 12, 1961 in Port-au -Prince, Haiti) has since 14 May 2011, the 56th president of Haiti. Martelly previously acquired as a composer and a singer under the name Sweet Micky celebrity. In the elections in Haiti 2010/11 he was able to prevail in a runoff against Mirlande Manigat. According to Election Commission of the cousin of former Prime Minister Jean -Max Bellerive received around 717,000 votes, representing a quorum of 68 percent of voters.

Martellys father was employed by the oil company Royal Dutch Shell. Martelly went to a Roman Catholic school in Carrefour, a suburb of Port -au -Prince. He attended several junior colleges in the U.S., but reached no conclusion. Martelly worked temporarily as a construction worker in Miami. Martelly was known in Haiti as a singer of Haitian dance music, Kompa. He traveled several times back to Haiti. From 1987, his music career developed. His trademarks were costumes and wings as well as the habit of dropping his pants on stage. His stage name Sweet Micky was in the 1980s, when he performed in night clubs. One evening he was announced by a friend as "a sweet Micky for a sweet people ."

Martelly lives in Petionville, Haiti, and has a wife and four children.

Political point of view

Although he did not appear as a politician before 2010, Martelly was in Haitian politics is not a blank slate: firstly by its proximity to Lt. Col. Michel François, police chief and leader of the death squads of the Tonton Macoutes, during the military dictatorship from 1991 to 1994, and by his songs at the Carnival in 2002 and 2003, where he practiced biting criticism of then-President Jean -Bertrand Aristide.
