Moacyr Scliar

Moacyr Jaime Scliar ( born March 23, 1937 in Porto Alegre, † February 27, 2011 ) was a Brazilian writer and physician.


Scliar was born in 1937 in Porto Alegre Jewish Quarter in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. In 1962, he completed his medical studies in Israel and his first book Histórias de Medicos em Formação already published in the same year ( stories of a future physician ), whose early release, however, he regretted the fact.

In 1968, his second book, the story collection carnaval dos animais O ( Carnival of the Animals ), which still followed by many other stories, novels, children 's books and essays on various topics. Scliar is now one of the most respected writers of Brazil. He devotes a large part of his work of Jewish identity in the Diaspora in general and Judaism in Brazil in particular. But the criticism of social injustices in Brazil characterize the work Scliars.

In 2003 he became a lifetime in the Academia Brasileira de Letras, the Brazilian Academy of Letters, chair 31, was elected. In addition to numerous awards he received four times the Brazilian literary award Prêmio Jabuti de Literatura: 1988 in the category of short prose for O olho enigmatico, 1993 for the novel Sonhos Tropicais, 2000 A mulher que escreveu a Bíblia and 2009 for Manual de paixão solitaria.

Scliar became internationally known as Yann Martel used the basic idea of his novel Max e os Felinos ( Max and the cats ) in his novel Life of Pi ( Life of Pi ), to notify without Scliar thereof; looked by a plagiarism lawsuit Scliar after a conversation with Martel from however.

Scliars novels have been translated into many world languages ​​, six of them also into German (see list of works ). He is also represented in numerous anthologies and magazines. In 1992 in Germany the first monograph to Scliars life and work: The Strange Nation of Moacyr Scliar by Albert von Brunn.

Bibliography (selection)

  • Histórias de Medicos em Formação. In 1962.
  • O carnaval dos animais. Contes. Ediouro, Rio de Janeiro 1983, ISBN - 85 00-62146 -X ( reprint of Porto Alegre 1968).
  • O olho enigmatico. Contes. Editorial Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro 1986.
  • Histórias que não os Jornais CONTAM. Expressão e Cultura, Rio de Janeiro 2009, ISBN 978-85-220-1004-2.
  • A massagista japonesa. L & PM, Porto Alegre, 1984.
  • To país chamado infância. Sulina, Porto Alegre, 1989.
  • Diccionario do viajante insólito. L & PM, Porto Alegre, 1995.
  • Minha mãe não eu não dorme enquanto chegar. L & PM, Porto Alegre, 1996. Artes e Ofícios, Porto Alegre, 2001.
  • O Imaginário Cotidiano. Global, São Paulo, 2001.
  • A língua de três pontas: Cronicas e citações sobre a arte de falar times. Artes e Oficios, Porto Alegre 2001, ISBN 85-7421-070-6.
  • Ciumento de carteirinha. Novela. Editorial Atica, São Paulo 2006, ISBN 978-85-08-10110-8.
  • A guerra no Bom Fim. Novela. 2nd edition. Expressão e Cultura, Rio de Janeiro 1974. Translation: The War in Bom Fim. Translated by Marlen Eckl. Hentrich & Hentrich, Berlin, 2013, ISBN 978-3-95565-011-7
  • Translation: The one-man army. Novel. Translated by Karin von Schweder - Schreiner. Edition Weitbrecht, Stuttgart 1987. To numerous restaurants. Reprints, last: Lilienfeld, 2013 ISBN 978-3-940357-36-6 Dusseldorf.
  • Translation: The gods of Raquel. Translated by Marlen Eckl. Hentrich & Hentrich, Berlin, 2013, ISBN 978-3-95565-000-1.
  • Translation: The Centaur in the garden. Novel. Rowohlt, Reinbek 1989, ISBN 3-499-12266-9 ( translated by Karin von Schweder - Schreiner ). Reprint: Hoffmann und Campe, Hamburg 2013, ISBN 978-3-455-40459-3.
  • Translation: The strange people of Rafael Mendes. Novel. Edition Weitbrecht, Stuttgart 1989, ISBN 3-522-70540-8 ( translated by Kurt Scharf ).
  • Translation: Kafka's leopards. Lilienfeld Verlag, Dusseldorf, 2013, ISBN 978-3-940357-33-5 ( translated by Michael Kegler )