
Monanthes pallens

Monanthes is a genus of succulent plants of the subtropics in the family Crassulaceae ( Crassulaceae ). The botanical name of the genus is derived from the Greek words for mono-, a ',' single ' and anthos for, bloom ' and refers to the few-flowered inflorescences.


Vegetative characteristics

The species of the genus Monanthes are perennial or annual herbaceous plants or subshrubs. They are glabrous or glandular hairy and covered with bladder cells. Their roots are fibrous. The alternate or decussate leaves are arranged together in loose, compact or dense rosettes or of extended internodes. The simple leaves are entire, and succulent. Your leaf blade is ovate, elliptic or obovate. The leaf tip is pointed, rounded or truncated. The different red eyed leaf surface is glabrous or glandular -haired and occasionally at the top conspicuously papillose.

Inflorescences and flowers

The inflorescence appears either terminally from the rosette center or shoot tips, or as a side, decrepit flower stem. It forms a reduced panicle with one to three (rarely up to five ) uniform or basally branched, wickedest time cymes, the three to eight (rarely one or two) bear flowers. Your thread- thin, glandular hairy or verkahlender peduncle varies from hellbgrün to violet brown. The flowers are obdiplostemonen six to achtzählig (rare five or neunzählig ) and reach a diameter of 2 to 6 mm. Her green and red speckled different sepals are fleshy and hang easily together at their base. They are ovate, pointed, rarely pointed and on its outer side mostly glandular -haired and papillose. The spreading or slightly recurved petals are narrow oblong or elongated and sometimes widened in the upper part. They are pointed or tapered and partially dornenspitzig. On the outside of the petals, and occasionally along the edges are glandular hairs. The petals are bright yellow in color and different striped red. There are twice as many stamens as petals present. The free stamens are bright yellow to bright red. The episepale stamens are erect and slightly shorter than the epipetalen stamens, which are depressed by the Nektarschüppchen. The spherical - cylindrical, latrorsen dust bags are dyed before they rupture varies from yellowish white to purple brown. The conspicuously enlarged, pale yellow to dark red Nektarschüppchen are usually slightly bilobed or fan-shaped. You are truncated at its tip or obcordate, frayed, tiny notched or toothed. There are as many carpels as petals present. They are sunk at their base in the floral axis and often busy with a few short, scattered, glandular hairs. The carpels are papillose or smooth. They are mottled green and red differently.

Fruit and seeds

The upright follicles open along their ventral suture. Some drop out crosswise. The follicles contain almost smooth or warty to distinctly ribbed seeds.

Distribution and systematics

The genus Monanthes is common in the Canary Islands and the Selvagens Islands.

The first description of the genus by Adrian Hardy Haworth was published in 1821. A synonym of the genus is Petrophyes Webb & Berthel. (1841, nom. Illeg. ICBN article 52.1).

In 1992, the genus of a revision by Reto Nyffeler was subjected. The genus Monanthes divided into the following four sections:

  • Section Monanthes: includes perennial and densely branched rosette plants or small dwarf shrubs Monanthes muralis ( Webb ex Bolle ) Hook.f.
  • Monanthes polyphylla Haw. Monanthes polyphylla subsp. amydros R.Nyffeler
  • Monanthes polyphylla subsp. polyphylla
  • Section Sedoideae Nyffeler: includes perennial and diffusely branched small shrubs Monanthes anagensis Praeger
  • Monanthes laxiflora ( DC.) Bolle ex Bornm.
  • Monanthes lowei ( Paiva ) P.Pérez & Acebes
  • Monanthes minima ( Bolle ) Christian Monanthes minima subsp. minima
  • Monanthes minima subsp. adenoscepes ( Svent. ) Bañares
  • Section Annuae Sventenius: includes annual herbs Monanthes icterica ( Webb ex Bolle ) Christian

In culture, very common are a variety of hybrids. The following hybrids have been described:

  • Monanthes × anagiflora Bramwell & G.D.Rowley
  • Monanthes × burchardii Bramwell & G.D.Rowley
  • Monanthes × chamorgensis Bañares
  • Monanthes × elizaberhae Bañares
  • Monanthes × filifolia Bañares
  • Monanthes × gomerensis Bañares
  • Monanthes × hybrida Bramwell & G.D.Rowley
  • Monanthes × intermedia Bramwell & G.D.Rowley
  • Monanthes × isabellae Bañares
  • Monanthes × polycaulis Bramwell & G.D.Rowley
  • Monanthes × pumila Bramwell & G.D.Rowley
  • Monanthes × silophylla Bramwell & G.D.Rowley
  • Monanthes × subglabrata Bañares
  • Monanthes × sventenii Bramwell & G.D.Rowley
  • Monanthes × chamorgensis Bañares